Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Rainy Days and Tuesdays Always Get Me Down

Rained today and not only outside but also in my account. I said this morning how I should trade, I described it clearly and then proceeded to not trade that way. This is a dummy spot -

Does anyone see anything that even partially looks like that in this???

No? Are you sure? Ferris? Ferris? No? Me neither - so guess which one I bought and if you guess NVLS you are just being a smartass. I did the bad thing three times - not being satisfied with just one - fortunately I managed to escape with only minimal damage but damage all the same.

I guessed right today as far as market direction - down - but that was easy. Tomorrow is shaping up as a buy the dip day - the up/down ratio is 32% and the new highs pulled way back to 665 and the new lows increased to 140. The VIX is back in the neutral zone and the only fly in the ointment is that the three sisters all finished the last hour in the red.

I still think it is buy the dip and up up and away.

The magic coin is 19 and 9 having called today correctly and for tomorrow --- tails - bear market again.